January 1, 2016

Happy 2016 From Keshi Drop + News!

Hey, everyone!  I just wanted to touch base with everyone and wish everyone a Happy 2016!  Hopefully your holidays were pretty awesome as well.  As fun as they are and as cool as my keshi ornaments are on the tree, it's all got to come down until next season.

It's surely been busy for everyone, not just me, this time of year.  With some behind-the-curtain information here, I had past December low traffic numbers, so I know I didn't really have to worry with pumping out content when nothing is really happening.

But with the new year, I do want to share a couple new ideas and plans.  Like the new years before, I've always taken strives to make Keshi Drop a more entertaining place to drop by every once and a while.  Of course, I want to do more editorial pieces when news is slow, but here are a few bigger things I want to tackle in 2016.

Firstly, sometime soon you may be seeing the URL to the site change to something more official and easier to type out than what it is now.  Keshi Drop dot com surely will do the trick, so expect that to happen eventually.  My only worry is changing the URL too abruptly will confuse people, so now you've been warned.

Also, I've been given some serious thought to opening a mailbox, that way I can receive mini-figures from readers and artists that would like their stuff shared here.  Leave a comment below if this is something you'd like to see happen.

Lastly, I want to do some serious convention coverage.  It's a big one, but I don't know if there is anything I'd like more than to hit something like Designer Con up with a camera, and jot down all my thoughts and discoveries here.

Okay, guys, that's it for now!  Now that we are past the hectic holiday season, expect Keshi Drop and all the mini-figure craziness to be back in full-force!

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